Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Finding thankfulness in the tedious & blessings in the boring

Good day, friends!

So, it's Tuesday morning.  It's 6:29 a.m., and I'm happily asleep in my nice, warm and cozy bed.  Then, it happens - the clock turns to 6:30 and Boom! my alarm goes off and it's time to start another day.

What does that mean?  It means another day of finding a, b, c and x, y, z in my homework.  It means unloading and reloading, then re-unloading and re-reloading the dishwasher.  It means more clothes need to be washed, beds need to be remade, house needs to be cleaned, events need to be attended to, and etc. etc.  And after a full day of going, doing, resting, cleaning, learning, talking, eating and breathing, I go to sleep, and in the next 7 hours I'll wake up and do it all over again.  I'm not sure about you, but after doing this everyday, I begin to get tired, and life can tend to feel boring, tiresome, mundane, tedious, repetitive, and a whole bunch of other adjectives that I'm sure would fit perfectly in the text.

In the midst of all of my doing, going, resting, cleaning, and etc., I find myself getting busy, and in my busyness, I tend to easily over look all my precious and gracious blessings that are continually given to me on a daily, weekly, and regular basis.  Life can sometimes feels mundane and often, I get bored with loading the same dishes in the same place in the dishwasher, folding the same towels that go on the same shelf, and finding the same Y and the same X.

But God, Who is rich in mercy, uses the exact things I find myself complaining about to help grow me in appreciation and gratitude.  It's through the tedious and the boring that I've been able to discover thankfulness and blessings, and through my busy and crazy that I've been able to find stillness and peace.

He has shown me that, the dishes that I have to load and unload, means that there was food on the dishes that my family and I got to eat.

That the towels I have to fold - means that there was clean running water we got wash ourselves with.

The bed I have to remake - means I had something warm and soft to sleep on last night.

The house I have to help clean - means I have other people I get to live in it with.

The ABCs, and XYZs I have to find - means I'm learning new things and getting an education.

I'm not saying chores and our daily doings are always exciting, but it's through my boring, tedious chores that The Lord has shown me how many blessings I have and how much more thankful I should be.  He's also shown me that those 10 minutes I'm folding laundry, I can spend talking to Him.  The 20 minutes I'm doing dishes, I could listen to 20 minutes of the Bible. And in that alone, that's already 30 minutes of spending time with Him right there, and all I did was perform a couple of my daily tasks.  By making a conscious effort to talk to God while doing chores, I've also found that I've slowly began to break the excuse of "not having enough time for God" during my daily routine.  Because I do have time for God, it's just a matter of how I choose to use it.

Before I end this post, I wanted to share a Bible verse that has really made an impact in my daily routine, and helps me be more aware and conscious about my blessings.  I try to recite it to myself when I wake up in the mornings, as it makes getting up a little less difficult. 

"Through The Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
"They are new every morning" and goodness, have I not discovered that to be evidently true.  I have to constantly remind myself that I don't deserve anything that I wake up to each day, but it's through the Lord's grace and faithfulness I have the blessings that I do.  I remember once reading a quote that said: "What if you woke up today, with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"
Wow.  I'm pretty sure I'd wake up with less than a fraction of the blessings I have if that were the case.  But again, we have a merciful loving God who does not shift or change, and it's from Him that every good and perfect gift is given to us (James 1:17). 
I hope y'all have a great rest of your day, and a great week.  I pray that you are able to break out of the mundane feeling the week can put on us, and you are able to discover the blessings in your daily routine.  Take care, y'all, and may the love and mercy of God abound.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Here's to new things!

Hi, everyone! 

So, I've decided to create a blog for those times when I want to share and talk about topics that are a little long in length, and be able to do so without clogging up everyone's Instagram and/or Facebook news feed. 

Since this is my first blog post, and some of y'all may not know much (or anything) about me, I figure it'd be nice to let you, the readers, know a little bit of who I am!  So, here we go!

My name is Abigail, but I go by Abby-Lynn, and some people call me by just Abby.  I will respond to any of the above, so just choose whatever floats you're boat and we can be good friends either way :)  Others might also refer to me as Abs, Abby-loo, or even just "Hey, You!"  Living in a family of 6, and being called different names by different groups of friends, family, etc., you learn to recognize when someone is requesting your attention one way, or another.

I'm a believer and follower of Christ - the one, only, true and flawless Son of The Living God, homeschooled, a sophomore in high school and proudly stand not very tall at 4'11" (yes, really, it's true).  I have 5 siblings, no pets, and am the middle/oldest child.  I enjoy singing on the praise band in church on Wednesday nights, and take Taekwondo.  I do enjoy an occasional cup of coffee every now and then, although, I should really refer to it as a cup of cream and sugar with a splash of coffee thrown in.  Chick-fil-a is very important to me, and I strongly urge anybody and everybody to always eat mor chikin.  I enjoy reading a good book when I can find the time to do so (which is rare), and am always singing, dancing, or listening to music.  Music--yes, music plays a big role in my life, as well. 

So, there is a little bit about me!  I hope y'all enjoyed this first post, got to know a little bit about me, and will continue reading my future posts.  I am hoping to get a new post up within the next week or so, but we'll have to see what time permits. 

Thanks again, y'all!  Take care, and may the love and grace of God abound.